Friday, December 2, 2011

333 of 365 enjoying no snow :)

Dec. 2, 2011

a photo challenge I saw for today
was "smile" from positivelypresent

I think these first two cover that

but my camera was in
a shutter happy mood :)

"mom help me"
notice that the wall is slightly slanted?
I told her she could handle it
at the end she said
"see, I knew I could do it!" :)

getting ready for their balancing act

this takes coordination and concentration

it's not as easy as it looks

who is this leaf head?
someone who wasn't into

I just love how she
hides her enthusiasm at
being in the great outdoors

Before you know it
there could be snow
on the ground
so I'm trying to take
every opportunity of
nice weather and being outside
(whether they want to or not!) :)

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